On Apr 20, 2016, at 11:05 AM, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:

> On 20.04.2016 18:01, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:
>> On 20.04.2016 15:38, Jeff Johnson wrote:
>>> There is a final snapshot release of rpm-5.4.16 now available at
>>>    http://rpm5.org/files/rpm/rpm-5.4/SNAPSHOT/rpm-5.4.16-0.20160420.src.rpm 
>> so this did got finally addressed?
>> http://lists.pld-linux.org/mailman/pipermail/pld-devel-en/2015-November/thread.html#24537
> sorry, the patch that pld has applied now is here:
> https://github.com/pld-linux/rpm/blob/ff1a99fc4/do_not_write_before_macro_buffer.patch

Yes fixed.

73 de jeff

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