Jeff Johnson wrote:
> I went looking for sources for lsbpkgchk to fix the
> issues that have been seen.
> Alas, bazaar on Fedora is a rather complicated and
> complex update, involving EPEL, and python, and yum
> and more. I wasted several hours trying before giving
> up in disgust.

well, I dunno, if you have Fedora you have yum, and
to me saying

# yum install bzr bzrtools

doesn't seem very complicated or time-consuming (bzrtools
is optional and could be left out).

After that:

$ bzr branch

misc-test contains pkgchk as well as the bits it depends on.

> Does anyone have a URL to a nice simple lsbpkgchk tarball?


you'll find the most recent released one at


I don't think tarballs are uploaded for snapshots and/or
beta releases, but if you want something more recent
than the one noted above, I'll make one for you.
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