On Jun 21, 2008, at 10:55 AM, Jeff Johnson wrote:
On Jun 21, 2008, at 10:32 AM, Denis Washington wrote:
Thanks for taking a look. I am really new to programming RPM, so any
help is greatly appreciated.
This code snippet could be simplified:
ts = rpmtsCreate();
tid = time(NULL);
rpmtsSetTid(ts, tid);
rpmtsCreate() already initializes the transaction ID.
In lib/rpmts.c rpmtsCreate()
ts->tid = (int_32) time(NULL);
The issue will become important if/when multiple
packages need registration with an identical transaction
identifier is attempted. They should have the same
transaction identifier.
But the "Berlin API" is woefully silent on issues
of "upgrade" and "erasure" or multiple package
registration. Oh well ...
73 de Jeff
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