On Mon, 26 Nov 2007, Joachim Worringen wrote:


we are building RPMs from an autotools-based source tree being installed via plain "make install". This works fine with rpmbuild up to 4.4.2 (RHEL5), but fails with Fedora Core 8, which has rpmbuild version and -7.fc8) installed. The log says:
+ cd /tmp/DISRPMROOT_282/BUILD/Dolphin-3.3.0
+ /usr/lib/rpm/check-buildroot

Is there a problem with the libs being in lib64, not in lib? But as I said, this works fine with rpm 4.4.2 and before.

It's not rpm version issue per se, no version of rpm executes check-buildroot by default. My guess: on F8 you've set up your rpmbuild environment with 'rpmdev-setuptree' which sticks some extra checks into your ~/.rpmmacros.

The actual problem of files in buildroot referring to buildroot almost certainly exists on RHEL5 too, you're just not seeing it because of rpm configuration difference.

        - Panu -
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