On 05/16/2011 07:18 PM, Michael Schroeder wrote:

This patch adds support for a new fileattrs flag, "magic_and_path".
Normally files get fed into the dependency helper if either the
path regexp or the magic regexp matches. With the flag, both
have to match.

(If you don't like the name, feel free to choose a better one.)

Heh. The biggest reason this functionality (which is indeed quite necessary) wasn't in rpm 4.9.0 was lack of a good name :)

I could easily live with "magic_and_path", but I think we'd want similar switch for excludes too, and there it'll get a bit clumsy with "exclude_magic_and_path" or such. One possibility would be adding a separate exclude_flags and then "magic_and_path" would fit there as well.

        - Panu -
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