@ffesti, I wrote couple of testcases for "with" op and looks like it doesn't 
work in some cases

208: unsatisfied WITH require                        ok
209: satisfied WITH require                          ok
210: unsatisfied nested WITH-AND require             FAILED (rpmdeps.at:851)
211: satisfied nested WITH-AND require               FAILED (rpmdeps.at:877)
212: unsatisfied nested WITH-OR require              ok
213: satisfied nested WITH-OR require                ok
214: unsatisfied nested WITH-IF require              ok
215: satisfied nested WITH-IF require - not featured FAILED (rpmdeps.at:983)
216: satisfied nested WITH-IF require - full chain   FAILED (rpmdeps.at:1006)
217: unsatisfied nested WITH-IF-ELSE require         ok
218: satisfied nested WITH-IF-ELSE require - left clause FAILED 
219: satisfied nested WITH-IF-ELSE require - right clause ok

* `WITH-AND` is intentional, but I think we should allow it and internally 
translate to `WITH-WITH`
* `WITH-IF` doesn't understand that right clause is kinda optional
* `WITH-IF-ELSE` does something weird wither left clause of `IF`

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