Again ... OPENMP is the least intrusive (but perhaps the most abstract) 
implementation. OPENMP has queues and pools and is viable even in 2017.

I parallelized the rpm --verify loop over files a few years back using OPENMP.

Here are the top level annotations that were needed:

`#if defined(_OPENMP)
    #pragma omp parallel for private(i) reduction(+:ec)
    for (i = 0; i < (int)fc; i++) {
        int fflags = fi->fflags[i];
        rpmvf vf;
        int rc;

        /* If not querying %config, skip config files. */
        if (FF_ISSET(qva->qva_fflags, CONFIG) && FF_ISSET(fflags, CONFIG))

        /* If not querying %doc, skip doc files. */
        if (FF_ISSET(qva->qva_fflags, DOC) && FF_ISSET(fflags, DOC))

        /* If not verifying %ghost, skip ghost files. */
        if (!FF_ISSET(qva->qva_fflags, GHOST) && FF_ISSET(fflags, GHOST))

        /* Gather per-file data into a carrier. */
        vf = rpmvfNew(ts, fi, i, omitMask);

        /* Verify per-file metadata. */
        rc = rpmvfVerify(vf, spew);
        if (rc)
            ec += rc;

        (void) rpmvfFree(vf);
        vf = NULL;

OTOH, I had to rewrite lib/verify.c to add a per-file rpmvf ("verify file") 
structure to avoid thread races within rpmfi iterators (which are rather 
deficient). You may encounter similar problems traversing the packages linked 

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