%{?  { macro_name } : true  : false }
    %{?  { macro_name } : true             }
    %{?! { macro_name } : false : true  }
    %{?! { macro_name } : false           }
More detailed description of the notation:
* Between the first chars "%{?" resp. "%{!?" or "%{?!  there can not be a space.
* On the other hand around {condition} and :, there can but not need to be a 
* In {condition}, there can be a space before or after macro_name.
So e.g. the following conditions are similar (from rpm point of view):
%{? { macro } : true : false }
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Make chkexist variable in macro.c more general
  * Create a separate variable for storing parts of a macro
  * Support triple operator for conditional shortcut

-- File Changes --

    M rpmio/macro.c (187)
    M tests/rpmmacro.at (30)

-- Patch Links --


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