On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 11:19 AM Justus Winter <jus...@sequoia-pgp.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to propose to replace RPM's built-in PGP support with Sequoia.
> Sequoia is an OpenPGP implementation written in Rust.  We have released
> Sequoia 1.5 earlier this week, which is the first version released under
> the LGPL2+.
> Our low-level crate, sequoia-openpgp, features an unopinionated
> interface that offers mechanisms without imposing policy upon the
> downstream user.  Despite its low-level nature, our experience is that
> integration code is typically smaller than code interfacing with
> e.g. GPGME, which is supposed to be a high-level interface.
> I have dug around in the bug tracker, and I think I have identified some
> areas of concern with respect to RPM's OpenPGP support: Correctness,
> portability, and license compatibility.
> First, I think replacing RPM's point solution with a general purpose
> implementation will improve correctness.  Robust signature verification
> requires canonicalization of the issuing certificate, which is tricky
> [0], [1], [2].  Further, RPM shouldn't be burdened with maintaining
> their own point solution, which will require constant maintenance to
> keep up with evolving standards and algorithms.
> 0: https://access.redhat.com/security/cve/cve-2021-3521
> 1: https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpm/issues/1598
> 2: https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpm/issues/1306
> Second, Rust has been criticized for being not too portable [3].  While
> there is some truth to that, at least today, there is ongoing work to
> add a GCC backend to the Rust compiler [4], and to write a Rust frontend
> for GCC [5].  The former work will likely address the issue short-term
> to mid-term, while the latter will imho be a mid-term to long-term
> solution.  In any case, the situation is only going to improve over
> time.
> 3: 
> https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpm/issues/1306#issuecomment-751311089
> 4: https://github.com/rust-lang/rustc_codegen_gcc
> 5: https://github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs
> For RPM, I'd suggest to keep the current implementation as a fallback
> for platforms that cannot or prefer not to use a Rust-based PGP
> implementation.
> Finally, regarding the license incompatibility [6], we're happy to
> report that we have switched to the LGPL2+ fixing this issue.
> 6: 
> https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpm/issues/1306#issuecomment-751381721
> I have also skimmed RPM's code.  From what I can tell, the relevant code
> is in rpmio/{rpmpgp,rpmkeyring,digest}*, the public API uses the "rpm"
> prefix, "pgp"-prefixed functions and types are hardly used outside of
> the PGP implementation.
> Looking at the task for roughly an hour or so (so, take it with a grain
> of salt...), my strategy would be to decouple the current implementation
> by clearly defining the public API, then provide a drop-in replacement
> for that API that can be enabled at compile-time.
> Does that sound reasonable?  Do you have questions or remarks?  I'm
> happy to get the discussion rolling :)

What about DNF? The DNF package manager also uses gpgme right now, and
one of the larger problems we have right now is that we have no
unified keyring between DNF and RPM, because RPM doesn't have an API
to manipulate it. If we were to adopt Sequoia as an optional
alternative, then ideally DNF should *also* get the ability to use it,
mostly because I'm fairly certain that the keyring storage across PGP
implementations are incompatible. Alternatively, adding APIs to RPM so
that DNF can consume them through the RPM interface would work too
(and I'd probably prefer that, honestly).

I'm personally not a fan of the anti-ergonomic stance of Rust and
several members of the Rust core community seriously aggravate me
given their dislike/hatred of Linux distro folks, but I can't deny
that we're in a wave of "oxidize all the things" right now, and
Sequoia is one of the best PGP implementations out there. I had hoped
there would be better options than just GnuPG (run by jerks) and
Sequoia (written in Rust), but there aren't and here we are.

At least from my perspective, as long as Sequoia is *never* mandatory
and that the two backends are kept at parity in some manner, then I'm
fine with the idea, provided we can also get RPM PGP APIs for DNF to
use for *its* GPG stuff too.

真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!
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