On May 10, 2009, at 4:11 PM, Eric MSP Veith wrote:

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I just got the impression YML was the way to go for you to have a grammar for *.spec files. It seemed natural to me, since specs and YML already have similar looks. I *don't* want any new customized Pimp-my-RPM features. I just want to know how *you* want RPM spec files to look like, and want to
adopt that. (Even if you're going to choose XML, but I'm going to have
headaches then.)

On a more positive note:

The output of
        rpm -qp --yaml *.src.rpm
has most of what I've been able to achieve with
a YAML representation for *.spec build recipes.

That content is pretty close to being sufficient
to drive a build, which achieves a split between
a "proper parser" and the build itself using
a source RPM header as an intermediate representation
of the data needed to drive a build.

Producing a SRPM much earlier, before the build
is actually started, would unsnarl the parsing
from the building. OTOH producing a SRPM earlier
is likely too big of a change for most rpmbuild
users to accomodate (the change is very not hard,
involves mebbe 10 lines of code that define the
mostly linear state machine implmented in rpmbuild).

If a build is driven by a SRPM header, many parsers,
YAML, XML, port(1), etc, could be attempted with
a common back-end build/packaging engine driven by the contents of
data carried in a SRPM header.

73 de Jeff
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User Communication List                             rpm-users@rpm5.org

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