On Oct 29, 2009, at 2:12 AM, Marc MERLIN wrote:

Very long story short, I'm building rpms with on ubuntu
and need to install on RH 7.1 with rpm 4.0.2.

When you have stopped laughing, here's the problem :)
I need to tell rpm to never put a rpmlib(PartialHardlinkSets) in
the rpms it builds.

No laughter. I've heard older and odder problems with RPM.

When I add a hardlink in the rpm, rpm "helpfully" adds a
rpmlib(PartialHardlinkSets) that is not relevant to my case and prevents installing the rpm on RH 7.1 when otherwise said rpm and hardlinks therein,
work just fine.

Currently, the only way I found to fix this is:
perl -pi -e 's|rpmlib\(PartialHardlinkSets\)|rpmlib (CompressedFileNames)|' scripts-1.1.20091028-0.i386.rpm perl -pi -e 's|8846d64e6f6f85e7d6613958acc0a9a1464ad2ef| 93d6f9fdaea5908b6693fb3235320c43d70cc15d|' scripts-1.1.20091028-0.i386.rpm

command #1: replace property with another one of the same string length
command #2: hand fix the SHA1 signature

Now I'm laughing ;-)

I'm obviously hoping that there is a way to tell rpm to just
not bother with rpmlib(PartialHardlinkSets)?
(yes, the rpm after I hack the property out, installs and works just fine in
my use case)

The issue is a bit deeper than just changing configuration since
there's a whole installer behavior of RPM itself that is being tracked.

The reliable fix is to to just add a patch to rpm- to not
add the tracking dependency.

You can try (its very much not the right thing to do, but you are
already pretty desperate for a fix if patching digests) adding
        Provides: rpmlib(PartialHardlinkSets)
in the same package to stub-out the Requires:. I won't bore you
with the details of why its not the right thing to do. But if
you can mask the Requires: by adding a Provides: you will
likely be able to install.

Another approach to masking the Requires: would be to patch
the Provides: into rpm-4.0.2.

But if you can't rebuild either version of RPM, well, its rather
hard to retrofit forward compatibility without changing code.

73 de Jeff
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