On Aug 14, 2011, at 1:15 PM, Belal Salem wrote:

> Thank for the perfect details!
> since I'm running RHEL-5 (as my system base and based on rpm-4.4) but updated 
> from RHEL-6 (glibc and its deps and python),
> and according to your explanation, I guess I would better recompile rpm with 
> the --disable-dirname-and-symlink-deps
> specially that adding the folders to _SOME_ will not be suitable for my case 
> since I have requests for different folder whenever I'm trying to install 
> packages from RHEL-5 or RHEL-6.

Actually its likely easier to use a run-time rather than a compile-time
setting. The parentdir/linto dependencies are implicit
in the sense that there's no Requires: that is explicitly needed.
The dependencies are synthesized from pre-existing information in
a package.

To configure parentdir/linkto dependencies at run-time:

1) Make sure that RPM_OPTIONAL_DIRNAME_AND_SYMLINK_DEPS is enabled.
That is likely already the case if you haven't disabled. Check
config.h after running ./configure (and you can always edit config.h
after running configure if all else fails).

>> The code to Rip It Out! Have it your own way! is (from lib/depends.c):
>>      #if defined(RPM_VENDOR_MANDRIVA) || defined(RPM_VENDOR_ARK) || 
>> defined(RPM_VENDOR_OPENMAMBA) ||         
>> optional-dirname-and-symlink-deps */
>>          int dirname_deps;
>>          int symlink_deps;
>>      #endif
>> …
>>      #if defined(RPM_VENDOR_MANDRIVA) || defined(RPM_VENDOR_ARK) || 
>> defined(RPM_VENDOR_OPENMAMBA) || 
>> optional-dirname-and-symlink-deps */
>>          dirname_deps = 
>> rpmExpandNumeric("%{?_check_dirname_deps}%{?!_check_dirname_deps:1}");
>>          if (dirname_deps) {
>>      #endif
>> …
>>      #if defined(RPM_VENDOR_MANDRIVA) || defined(RPM_VENDOR_ARK) || 
>> defined(RPM_VENDOR_OPENMAMBA) ||         
>> optional-dirname-and-symlink-deps */
>>          }
>>          symlink_deps = 
>> rpmExpandNumeric("%{?_check_symlink_deps}%{?!_check_symlink_deps:1}");
>>          if (symlink_deps) {
>>      #endif
>> …
>>          }

2) Edit /etc/rpm/macros (create if not existent) to add
        %_check_dirname_deps    0
        %_check_symlink_deps    0
to disable.

3) Turn on symlink dependencies: its less annoying than parentdir deps and
is almost always a package failure when encountered (aka a dangling symlink
that points to a non-existent end-point).

4) When you have a mostly stable/unchanging set of packages installed, then
turn on parentdirectiory dependencies. Then do
        mkdir -p /etc/rpm/sysinfo
        rpm -Va --nofiles | grep '^/' | sort -u > /etc/rpm/sysinfo/Dirnames
(there is a --orphandirs option to rpm -Va that does the above, I'm just too 
lazy to check
how to use it: its a popt alias that does essentially the above).

5) Run
        rpm -Va --nofiles
periodically, and when you see a "orphan directory", i.e. a directory that
isn't explicitly in any package file manifest, then just add that directory
to /etc/rpm/sysinfo/Dirnames.

The annoyance is mostly that RHEL5/RHEL6 never bothered to do the QA to
ensure that rpm --erase would also remove created directories.

BTW, if you are going to use rpm-5.3.11` on RHEL5/RHEL6, then you need
to convert your rpmdb so that header instance numbers are always in
network order (needed for optimal btree access).


73 de Jeff______________________________________________________________________
RPM Package Manager                                    http://rpm5.org
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