On Feb 15, 2012, at 3:59 PM, Maruthi Devulapalli wrote:

> Hi All,
> Need your help with this,
> make[3]: Entering directory xmlFreeParserCtxt'
> /tmp/rpm/rpm-5.3.5/misc/.libs/librpmmisc.so: undefined reference to 
> xmlCreatePushParserCtxt'
> /tmp/rpm/rpm-5.3.5/misc/.libs/librpmmisc.so: undefined reference to 
> /tmp/rpm/rpm-5.3.5/rpmconstant'
> make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
> make[2]: Leaving directory /tmp/rpm/rpm-5.3.5'
> make: *** [all] Error 2

Hmmm … I don't recall this issue.

One thing to try is a clean build from scratch
        make distclean
or (at a minimum) rebuild the misc directory:
        cd misc
        make clean all
The misc directory has some subtle problems with missing Makefile 
A proper solution is quite difficult because of the need to build RPM both with
internal <-> external trees. Some problems are not worth solving imho.

RPM itself doesn't depend on libxml2: the usual need is from
        rpm -> neon -> libxml2
where the necessary additional libraries are brought in from neon's pkgconfig.

So librpmmisc is a collection point for most external library linkages, and
a container for most internal (i.e. built when RPM is built) objects. That
is why rebuilding misc manually somethings needs to be attempted.

> configured with  ./configure --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl/ 
> --with-db=/usr/include/db51

You might need additional options (if those are the only two options you passed 
to configure).

Examine the %system stanza in the top-level devtool.conf file. Those options are
what I typically use on Red Hat derived systems (but note that for development
I configure *EVERYTHING*: you almost certainly need/want to be more selective
than what is in the %system stanza).


73 de Jeff
> Best Regards
> Maruthi Devulapalli
> NASD – Unix
> 201-743-6585
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