Thorsten Leemhuis wrote :

> > Xavier showed us that the FAS was actually up and running, so we'll be
> > checking that, but it might be already finished (in which case, "thanks
> > Thorsten!").
> I did the initial setup and gave Xavier access to it one or two weeks
> ago. Not sure what he did in between, but the two main missing things
> that were still missing two weeks ago
> - generation for the client-side certificate

I've fixed this this afternoon, after Xavier left. The CA was actually
missing, so I created a simple one for RPM Fusion.
Regarding FAS, there still seems to be more work required :
- Rebrand all of the web interface (to remove "Fedora" where it doesn't
make sense to have it) - minor
- Check and update the agreement text sent by email.
- Make the agreement signing work (as it seems to be sent by email,
thus processed by some script from there?)
- Probably a little more fixes... testing will say...

> - make the CVS looks-aside cache work, which uses FAS for/the
> certificates for authentification

Maybe this will be easy now that the certs work?

> I setup the buildsys (plague) last fall a few weeks before F8 was
> released -- nothing should have changed, so it should still be running
> (or it should be possible to get it into a running state again without
> to much work).

Yeah. Looks like it's working ;-)

A few other things finished today :
- Detailed server list on
- Rename of the 3 servers
- Self-signed SSL certificate added for FAS https access
- Viewvc web interface added for CVS http access

I think that's pretty much it. I hope to be able to spare some time to
help get everything finished ASAP, but I'm also afraid that getting
back to my "normal life" tomorrow will make me go mostly silent
again... keep your fingers crossed for that not to happen, I guess! ;-)

Too bad so few Fedora packagers seemed to have made it to the FOSDEM...
well, at least I met Xavier and Remi for the first time, and had fun
hanging out with all "the usual folks" too :-D


Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :
Fedora release 8 (Werewolf) - Linux kernel
Load : 0.05 0.04 0.00

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