Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski wrote:
On Sunday, 28 September 2008 at 09:24, Hans de Goede wrote:
Hi All,

After numerous attempts we (Thorsten, Xavier and I) have failed to get in touch which Matthias to involve him in making a decision about which packaging method to use for kernel modules in rpmfusion.

As we really need to move forward now with rpmfusion to have everything ready for F-10, I've proposed to Thorsten, Xavier to make a decision now without Matthias, to which they have agreed.

So the 3 of us have made the decision that kmods and akmod will be the way to package kernel modules within rpmfusion.

Thorsten will begin building all kmod's from livna in rpmfusion today. If there are any out of tree drivers which you want to see packaged in rpmfusion now you know what to do :)

We sure do:

Note that if you're interested in Free out of tree drivers, it would be even better to spend time on getting them in to the official upstream kernel, I can help with that if you want to spend time on that.

I probably would, but I'm not sure if I can find the time to maintain
it after it gets there.

You don't necessarily need to maintain it in the mainline kernel all you need to do is work with both upstreams to get the thing cleaned up and merged, then hopefully the original author will maintain in in the mainline from there on.



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