On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 9:02 PM, Xavier Bachelot <xav...@bachelot.org> wrote:
> As suggested above, may be submit the issue to Fedora Artwork team ? I
> quickly browsed Artwork and Games SIGs pages, but I didn't see anything
> targeted toward helping with graphics replacement though, but I might
> just have been too fast.

My impression is that the Artowork team really doesn't care much about
games and it seems really to be too small to cope with other issues


> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2349520&group_id=42434&atid=433129
> The last 2 comments are from me. I hope upstream can update us on the
> graphics licensing status.

Well, if you want to know about the graphics licensing you should
really ask the original author - if you can track him down.

>> BTW, I think that this is the same issue xrick has and xrick is in RPM
>> Fusion nonfree.
>> http://www.bigorno.net/xrick/download.html
> So either we'll get pushover in RPM Fusion or we'll loose xrick ? hohum...

That's life :) BTW, I really hope to have them both in RPM Fusion
nonfree. After all, that's what nonfree should be for. I don't really
want to think about *another* repository.



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