Looks like we need to stay way from the 285 series for now.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gabe Rubin <gaberu...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: [ATrpms-users] Problems since installing nVidia 285.05.09
on f14 x86_64
To: "User discussion about ATrpms.net" <atrpms-us...@atrpms.net>

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 2:39 AM, John Pilkington <j.p...@tesco.net> wrote:
> I installed this earlier this week, along with new kdelibs packages and a
> few others;  the system has had problems since then and I've reverted to
> 280.13.  It feels happier but not enough experience with it yet to be sure
> that the new driver is the culprit.
> The hardware is a GeForce 7500 LE, so not VDPAU capable.  Effects seen were
> segfaults in Mythfrontend while using the cutpoint editor, uncertain start
> of playback with occasional segfaults, and finally inability to do more than
> load the unwritten frontend screen before segfaulting.  Before the changes
> earlier this week the system had been generally troublefree.
> John P

As another message I cross-posted from the mythtv list confirms, I had
major issues with this new driver.  I could not log in remotely,
mythbackend was segfaulting, other stability issues.  285.05.09 does
not seem ready for prime time.

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