My real name is Andy, and I just went through the RPMFusion crash course for 
submitting my first package, zoneminder.

I am part of the upstream zoneminder development team, and currently manage At the moment, zmrepo is the only third party repo with 
all of zoneminder's dependencies found in one place. If permitted, I would 
eventually like to move the zoneminder package to RPMFusion.

Additionally, I've got to find new homes for several of zoneminder's 
dependencies as well. I listed these in the bug report above. I don't expect 
this to be a fast process.

Some of you may know that zoneminder currently exists in the Fedora 25 repo. I 
have been in discussion with the Fedora packaging team to have it removed, 
moving forward. Because the surveillance industry has adopted h264 as the 
defacto streaming standard, zoneminder does not belong in the Fedora repo. 
Today, zoneminder will build w/o ffmpeg/h264 support but that makes it 
incompatible with nearly all modern ip cameras.

In any case, I'm getting help from Fedora, but I also need someone from 
RPMFusion to sponsor. Anyone willing?

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