On 13/12/2017 09:59, Nicolas Chauvet wrote:
> 2017-12-08 10:56 GMT+01:00 Antonio Trande <anto.tra...@gmail.com>:
>> On 08/12/2017 02:13, Sérgio Basto wrote:
>>> please try :
>>> rfpkg --user   sagitter   clone free/lives
>> This command is working.
> Are you sure to have a valid x509 certificate ? In which case your
> username might not be found.
> Please move out older ones (including older  server root CA) and use
> rpmfusion-packager-setup to fetch the new ones.
> mkdir tmp ; move ~/.rpmfusion* tmp ; rpmfusion-packager-setup
> Please don't stay quiet if anything wrong.
> _______________________________________________

I had already used 'rpmfusion-packager-setup' and downloaded the
certificate from https://admin.rpmfusion.org/accounts/user/gencert

Antonio Trande
Fedora Project
mailto 'sagitter at fedoraproject dot org'
GPG key: 0x5E212EE1D35568BE
GPG key server: https://keys.fedoraproject.org/

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