package: HandBrake
package: VirtualBox
package: acoustid-fingerprinter
package: alsa-plugins-freeworld
package: aqualung
package: audacious-plugins-freeworld
package: avidemux
package: bino
package: chromaprint-tools
package: chromium-freeworld
package: cinelerra-gg
package: comskip
package: deadbeef-plugins
package: deepin-movie
package: dvbcut
package: dvdstyler
package: fceux
package: ffmpegthumbs
package: freshplayerplugin
package: gr-dab
package: guvcview
package: kodi
package: kodi-pvr-argustv
package: kodi-pvr-filmon
package: kodi-pvr-hdhomerun
package: kodi-pvr-pctv
package: kodi-pvr-stalker
package: libde265
package: libopenshot
package: qtav
package: libquicktime
package: lightspark
package: lives
package: loudgain
package: mixxx
package: mlt-freeworld
package: moc
package: mpd
package: mythtv
package: obs-studio
package: olive
package: performous
package: pianobar
package: ppsspp
package: qmmp-plugin-pack-freeworld
package: qmplay2
package: qt5-qtwebengine-freeworld
package: qtox
package: retroarch-freeworld
package: simplescreenrecorder
package: telegram-desktop
package: tilem
package: tvheadend
package: vcmi
package: vdr-softhddevice-openglosd
package: vdr-vaapidevice
package: vdr-xineliboutput
package: welle-io
package: wf-recorder
package: wxsvg
package: xmms2-freeworld
package: xpra-codecs-freeworld
package: zoneminder

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