On 24/11/10 18:15, Thomas Kluyver wrote:
On 24 November 2010 16:38, Laurent Gautier <lgaut...@gmail.com <mailto:lgaut...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Thanks for the contribution. Is your code released under a
    particular license, or could it be incorporated in the main code
    base for rpy2 ?

I hadn't thought about licensing for such a small piece of code. I'm happy for you to incorporate it into rpy2. Let me know if you need any more specific statement from me.

That's specific enough, I suppose.

Would you like me to improve it, or would you rather do some tweaking yourself?

I have thought for some time about having a module or package dedicated to interactivity in its various meanings: R interactive features, as well as Python+rpy2 used in an interactive fashion (e.g., with ipython). This being part of an higher-level interface (so robjects).

The rest concerns mainly the robustness of the code (prevent problems from happening), and writing unit tests. I'll follow that up with you off-list.




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