On Mar 14, 2010, at 1:33 PM, Amund Kvalbein wrote:


In this context, I think you might be interested in a measurement study that will be presented at INFOCOM this coming week. The focus of the study is BGP scalability with respect to churn rates. We have analyzed six years of Routeviews BGP update traces from four monitors in different tier-1 networks.

Some of the main findings are that
- BGP churn varies widely on many time scales, and cannot be understood through "black-box" statistical analysis. - The most severe churn experienced by these monitors are caused by mis-configurations and events that are local to the monitored AS. - Surprisingly, as much as 40% of churn consists of duplicate announcements, which are unnecessary for correct protocol operation. This figure has been pretty constant over our measurement period.

we did a measurement study to understand the causes of such excessive duplicate announcements, the results are reported in the following paper:
"Investigating Occurrence of Duplicate Updates in BGP Announcements"
to be presented at PAM conference next month

An earlier presentation can be found at

- After filtering out duplicates, local effects and anomalies caused by a few specific events, we find that there is an increasing trend in "baseline" churn over the past six years, but that this growth is quite modest, and much slower than the growth in the DFZ RIB size.

The paper can be found at
Comments are always welcome.


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