Mocha has an any_instance method that does this and flexmock has a  
new_instances method that does the same.

I tried patching the rspec mocking framework to do this and got it  
working for new instances, but I couldn't get it working with passing  
arguments to the initialize method.  That and the internals of the  
rspec mocking framework scare the bejeesus out of me.  So I just use  
mocha for mocking and call it a day.


On Jul 31, 2007, at 11:07 AM, David Chelimsky wrote:

> On 7/31/07, Doug Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> If I'm not mistaken those stub them out always - I'd like to be  
>> able to stub
>> them out for most tests, but I would like to have them around when  
>> I want to
>> write tests for the observers themselves!  I imagine this is a  
>> fairly common
>> use case for Observers and testing.
> There's an RFE for stubbing all instances:
> func=detail&group_id=797&aid=6791&atid=3152
> It's been there for a while. This is very low priority for me, so if
> you're interested in seeing it happen your best bet would be to submit
> a patch.
> Alternatively, I *think* that mocha supports this, so you could use
> mocha with RSpec instead of the rspec mock framework.
> Cheers,
> David
>>> If you're looking to stub all instances, why not use (what) Rails  
>>> (calls)
>> mocks?
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