Cheers David, I've been waiting patiently for this release :)

I think I might wait for a rainy day until I upgrade though (I'm not using
autotest btw)..

1469 examples, 62 failures

It's good to see you (and the rest of the team) give credit where credit is
due. I was half expecting the contributors list to stay the same with this
release. I'm glad to see that it didn't, I only wish more projects accepted
contributions so graciously.


On 12/08/07, David Chelimsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All - I released 1.0.6 this morning, but there is apparently a bug
> related to rspec and autotest. I'll be fixing this today (but not
> until tonight) so you have two options:
> Wait until 1.0.7 (tonight)
> Upgrade now to 1.0.6 but make sure you install the rspec gem.
> Thanks,
> David
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