David Chelimsky-2 wrote:
> It depends on how high you have your magnifying glass set. Really!
> Here's how I'd get there:
> In an integration test, which I use as ... well ... integration tests
> (i.e. pretty close to end to end - just no browser, so the javascript
> can't get tested), I'd have something akin to the second example,
> except that the creates would be done through a controller. This would
> be in place before I ever started working on individual objects.
> Then I'd develop the view, followed by the controller, followed by the
> model. Typically, in my experience, that would result in something
> like (not executing these so please pardon any potential bugs):
> describe "/widgets/index" do
>   it "should display a list of widgets" do
>     assigns[:widgets] = [
>       mock_model(Widget, :name => 'foo'),
>       mock_model(Widget, :name => 'bar')
>     ]
>     render '/widgets/index'
>     response.should have_tag('ul') do
>       with_tag('li', 'foo')
>       with_tag('li', 'bar')
>     end
>   end
> end
> describe WidgetController, 'responding to GET /widgets' do
>   it "should assign a list of widgets" do
>     Widget.should_receive(:find_alphabetically).and_return(list = [])
>     get :index
>     assigns[:widgets].should == []
>   end
> end
> describe Widget, "class" do
>   it "should provide a list of widgets sorted alphabetically" do
>     Widget.should_receive(:find).with(:order => "name ASC")
>     Widget.find_alphabetically
>   end
> end
> You're correct that the refactoring requires you to change the
> object-level examples, and that is something that would be nice to
> avoid. But also keep in mind that in java and C# people refactor
> things like that all the time without batting an eye, because the
> tools make it a one-step activity. Refactoring is changing the design
> of your *system* without changing its behaviour. That doesn't really
> fly all the way down to the object level 100% of the time.
> David

after reading your post yesterday, I dug out some old specs that were doing
some really complex setup using real objects, and rewrote them to
exclusively use mocks and stubs. The specs run around 20% quicker, but more
importantly, the code is much less complex and much easier to work with!
it's a relief not having to worry about model behaviour in controller specs.
so much so that I ended up adding around 50% more examples and catching some
bugs which I'd missed.

I wasn't testing my views at all, instead relying on integrate_views to
catch any problems. This time round I wrote view specs, which is a little
more work but testing only one MVC aspect in isolation really makes things
simpler. I realise now that the old way, I was using controller specs to
test integration rather than controllers.

I'm relatively new to programming, and it's all self taught so I can't speak
with authority, but the more I use BDD, the more I like it. It just makes
sense.  thanks for your help

p.s. when is the book coming? :)
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