On 9/13/07, Jarkko Laine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've come across rather strange behaviour when trying to raise an
> exception in a stubbed method.
> I'm speccing the behaviour of a Rails create action, where I'm using
> save! to catch failed saves. In the case of working save, I'm using
> the following stub:
>      @client.stub!(:save!).and_return(true)
> which works fine.
> However, in the negative case,
>      @client.stub!(:save!).and_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)

Passing a class only works if the new method takes 0 args. Otherwise
you have to pass an exception instance. ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid
takes one.


> The save! call in the controller doesn't seem to work. I get the
> following error:
> ArgumentError in 'ClientsController POST /clients with invalid
> parameters should show new form again'
> wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
> /Users/jarkko/Sites/koulutusweb/app/controllers/clients_controller.rb:
> 41:in `create'
> The line #41 consists only of
>          @client.save!
> I'm at a loss seeing where the wrong number of arguments is really
> happening because save! certainly shouldn't assume any args.
> Moreover, both cases work fine in the real app, so it seems to me
> something funky is happening when stubbing the method.
> Anyone else stumbled upon anything similar?
> Cheers,
> //jarkko
> --
> Jarkko Laine
> http://jlaine.net
> http://dotherightthing.com
> http://www.railsecommerce.com
> http://odesign.fi
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