On 9/16/07, s.ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While the spirit of BDD is to spec first and code second, many of us
> have legacy code. Worse, some of us have legacy code without very
> good coverage. Recognizing that *I* have such code, I created a
> script that grinds through your .rb files and creates placeholder
> specs for each public method.
> While it is more sensible to spec behavior of code function than of
> individual methods, this tool can help jump start a transition to
> that wonderful place.

Hi Steve,

There are tools that will do this for you on java projects and in
nearly every case that I've seen them used, the result has been 100
line test methods, one per object method, that take the object through
multiple states, become impossible to understand, and often just get
commented out.

Worse, even though you sell it as a tool for dealing with legacy code
(code without tests), it will end up becoming the tool people use and,
even worse than that, they'll think it's BDD because it creates specs
and not tests.

I beg you (I'm on my knees as I'm writing this) to throw this
manuscript in the fire now!


> Comments welcome (and please be kind about the
> code -- I know it needs refactoring :).
> svn:
> http://svn.calicowebdev.com/rspec_todo/trunk
> Excerpt from the readme:
> Usage is:
>    ruby spec_todo.rb <options> <files>
> Options are:
>    -m -- Wrap each file's spec in a module
>    -u -- Use "it" with a block and a pending method rather than a "it"
> So, for example, I might use it as follows:
>    ruby spec_todo.rb app/models/* app/controllers/*
> Here is a brief example of the output of this tool:
>        #------------------------------------------------------------
>        # File: app/controllers/contact_controller_spec.rb
>        #------------------------------------------------------------
>        require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper'
>        describe "A ContactController" do
>          it "should do something sensible with index."
>          it "should do something sensible with thank_you."
>        end
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