On 9/28/07, sinclair bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the following example:
>   it 'should have a form with an action attribute' do
>      response.should have_tag( "form[action=?]",
> '/users/1/machines/1/trouble_tickets')
>   end
> for a form like so:
> <% form_for( :trouble_ticket,
>     :url => { :action => 'create',
>                  :user_id => @machine.current_owner,
>                  :machine_id => @machine } ) do |f| %>

When you do this (:machine_id => @machine), rails calls
@machine.to_param. So as long as you're stubbing the to_param method,
it should work.

Also, if you use mock_model, this is stubbed for you.


> ...
> Now this fails.
> The way it will pass is to change the url parameters to _explicitly_ call
> the id method on the
> parameter values like so:
> <% form_for( :trouble_ticket,
>     :url => { :action => 'create',
>          :user_id => @ machine.current_owner.id,
>          :machine_id => @machine.id } ) do |f| %>
> ...
> (nb. I am stubbing and mock these objects )
> My thought is that rails does not require this since it helps by making sure
> the #id of each object is used in the action url.
> Is this an error in rspec or just something (mildly inconsistent? ) which
> I'll have to do in this very limited context ?
> Cheers!
> sinclair
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