Jesper Laursen wrote:
> 2007/9/30, Ryan Tucker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Jesper Laursen wrote:
>>> Hello forum
>>> I have there to files
>>> #----- virtual_host_controller.rb
>>> class VirtualHostsController < ApplicationController
>>>   before_filter :capture_domain
>>>   # GET /domain/1/virtual_hosts/1
>>>   def show
>>>     @virtual_host = @domain.virtual_hosts.find(params[:id])
>>>     respond_to do |format|
>>>       format.html # show.rhtml
>>>     end
>>>   end
>>>   private
>>>   def capture_domain
>>>     if params[:domain_id].blank?
>>>       flash[:notice] = 'Need domain.'
>>>       redirect_to domains_url
>>>     else
>>>       @domain = Domain.find(params[:domain_id])
>>>     end
>>>   end
>>> end
>>> #----
>>> and
>>> #----- virtual_host_controller_spec.rb
>>> describe VirtualHostsController, "handling GET /domains/1/virtual_hosts/1" 
>>> do
>>>    before do
>>>      @domain = mock_model(Domain)
>>>      @virtual_hosts = mock("virtual_hosts")
>>>      @virtual_host = mock("virtual_host")
>>>      Domain.should_receive(:find).with("1").and_return(@domain)
>>>      @domain.should_receive(:virtual_hosts).and_return(@virtual_hosts)
>>>      @virtual_hosts.should_receive(:find).and_return(@virtual_host)
>>>      login_as :admin
>>>    end
>>>    def do_get
>>>      get :show, :id => "1", :domain_id => "1"
>>>    end
>>>   it "should render show template" do
>>>     do_get
>>>     response.should render_template('show')
>>>   end
>>>    it "should find the virtual_host requested" do
>>> #     @domain.should_receive(:virtual_hosts).and_return(@virtual_hosts)
>>> @virtual_hosts.should_receive(:find).with('1').and_return(@virtual_host)
>>>      do_get
>>>    end
>>>   it "should assign the found virtual_host for the view" do
>>>     do_get
>>>     assigns[:virtual_host].should equal(@virtual_host)
>>>   end
>>> #-----
>>> I have a problem with these three it should-cases. How can I make them to 
>>> work.
>>> The error is:
>>> should find the virtual_host requested
>>> Mock 'virtual_hosts' expected :find with ("1") once, but received it 0 times
>>> The routes are like this:
>>>  map.resources :domains do |domains|
>>>     domains.resources :virtual_hosts
>>>   end
>>> What can I do?
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>>> rspec-users mailing list
>> Correct me if I am wrong, but in the "before do"
>> @virtual_hosts.should_receive(:find).and_return(@virtual_host)
>> should be
>> VirtualHosts.should_receive(:find).and_return(@virtual_host)
>> Since you are calling find on the class?
> If I change it to VirtualHost (an 's' there, give no sense), these
> errors raises:
> Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in 'VirtualHostsController handling
> GET /domains/1/virtual_hosts/1 should assign the found virtual_host
> for the view'
> Mock 'virtual_hosts' received unexpected message :find with ("1")
> Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in 'VirtualHostsController handling
> GET /domains/1/virtual_hosts/1 should find the virtual_host requested'
> Mock 'Class' expected :find with (any args) once, but received it 0 times
> Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in 'VirtualHostsController handling
> GET /domains/1/virtual_hosts/1 should render show template'
> Mock 'virtual_hosts' received unexpected message :find with ("1")
> Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in 'VirtualHostsController handling
> GET /domains/1/virtual_hosts/1 should be successful'
> Mock 'virtual_hosts' received unexpected message :find with ("1")
> So maybe you are a bit wrong :)
> I found this page,
> but unfortunately, does he not describe the same things as I am.
> _______________________________________________
> rspec-users mailing list
You are correct, it should be


The first, third and fourth errors might be showing up because it should 
be the same in the

it "should find the virtual_host requested"

block as well.  This is because the object called @virtual_hosts does 
not have a method called "find" defined.

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