Nice :)

On 10/14/07, rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 14 Oct 2007, at 08:28, Mikel Lindsaar wrote:
> > On 8/13/07, rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> On 12 Aug 2007, at 14:38, David Chelimsky wrote:
> >>>> However, what I actually need to do is check each result that is
> >>>> yielded by the Connector.each_result method and compare it to the
> >>>> previous one.  If they are sufficiently similar I need to merge
> >>>> them
> >>>
> >>> I'm pretty sure you can get what you want by using should_receive
> >>> instead of stub and doing this:
> >>>
> >>> Connector.should_receive(:results).and_yield(@result1)
> >>> Connector.should_receive(:results).and_yield(@result2)
> >
> > David, I am having the same mind meld here as Rupert.
> >
> > I am trying to stub out Net::POP3 which yeilds a block for each
> > message returns.  The code (snipped down) that I am trying to mock out
> > is:
> >
> > Net::POP3.delete_all(@server, @port, @username, @password) do |m|
> >   # do stuff with mail
> > end
> >
> >
> > Doing
> >
> > Net::POP3.should_receive(:delete_all).and_yield(@message1)
> >
> > Works fine.
> >
> > Net::POP3.should_receive(:delete_all).and_yield(@message1)
> > Net::POP3.should_receive(:delete_all).and_yield(@message2)
> >
> > Gives:
> >
> > 1)
> > Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in 'GetMail downloading email should
> > download some mail'
> > Mock 'Class' expected :delete_all with (any args) once, but
> > received it 0 times
> > ./spec/getmai_spec.rb:86:
> >
> >
> > It is almost like the second mock overrides the first mock ability to
> > intercept the call.
> >
> > Stubbing it does the expected behaviour of overwriting the last
> > stub, ie:
> >
> > Net::POP3.stub!(:delete_all).and_yield(@message1)
> > Net::POP3.stub!(:delete_all).and_yield(@message2)
> >
> > Returns no error, but the block is only called once, not twice.
> >
> > Any further musings on this?
> Yep - a patch was assimilated so you should be able to do:
> Net::POP3.should_receive(:delete_all).and_yield(@message1).and_yield
> (@message2)
> which should allow you to call delete_all once and have it yield
> twice.  This is definitely in trunk
> Cheers
> Rupert
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