just a short advice:

describe MyModule do
  it "should do something" do
    # The module is automatically mixed into your spec


On 11/1/07, Tom Stuart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Can anyone share some accumulated wisdom about the best way to spec
> mixins in general, and (Jamis Buck-style) ActiveRecord "concerns" in
> particular?
> The standard situation here is that there's a bunch of functionality,
> related by concept if not by implementation, that one wants to inherit
> in many different classes (e.g. ActiveRecord models) without having to
> actually use subclassing -- straightforward enough. But since BDD best
> practice encourages one expectation per example and no mocking in the
> behaviour setup, the specification for this shared functionality is
> often spread across many behaviours, each of which may need to do its
> own setup and teardown.
> So, how best to mix the mixin spec in with the spec for each class
> that uses the mixin (IYSWIM)? I've tried several permutations of
> helpers, spec mixins, shared-shared behaviours and so on, but can't
> find anything which is persuasively neat and DRY while still working
> reliably. One point of contention is that the mixin's behaviours might
> need to do things like instantiate the target class with specific
> arguments in before :each (or call some other class method, if the
> mixin provides some) so it's not really good enough for the target
> spec to just squirrel away a prebuilt object in an instance variable.
> Any advice, please?
> Cheers,
> -Tom
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