On Nov 12, 2007 11:39 AM, Brian Takita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here are the main reasons that I prefer an active voice because:
> * using it "should ..." over and over renders should meaningless (I
> have grown this barely conscience aversion to the word 'should')
> * less less words are needed
> * the differentiating information of the 'it' statement is in the
> front, rather than hidden behind should (space to the left is at a
> premium)
> * it describes what the software will do and what it does (both from
> the Test Driven Design and Regression verification lifecycles of the
> test)
> * you still have a good "sentence template" that "should" provides
> (you have to make a coherent sentence)
> So here it my initial stab. Lets discuss :)

I definitely agree that the active voice is nice in spec strings.

A coworker, when he first saw the use of 'should', said something
along the lines of "I thought you were writing specifications, not
recommendations." I fumbled and tried to explain that away, but the
objection has stuck with me. I've also noticed on Rubinius' spec style
guide that the use of should is discouraged:


There are still some places that I use 'should', and if I'm working in
a project that tends to use it, I'll stick with it. But in my own
work, I prefer 'it has 4 entries' to 'it should have 4 entries'.
(Though, in the code, the use of 'should' to express the expectation,
does make sense, as the Rubinius page explains).

Thanks for bringing this up, I'd been thinking about it lately.

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