On Mar 11, 2008, at 8:52 AM, Daniel Kehoe wrote:

> I'm learning to use rspec and I want to see some good examples.
> Any recommendations of open source projects that demonstrate the use
> of rspec?
> So far I've found:
>   1) the Caboose sample app (http://sample.caboo.se/)
>   2) the Altered Beast forums app (http://beast.caboo.se/forums/1/topics/4650
> )
> Any others come to mind?
> I'm especially interested in seeing examples that spec RESTful
> authentication.


I was in your place asking this question about a month ago. Here are  
the pointers that were helpful to me.


[2] http://svn.nightlite.org/applications/cody/trunk/

After examining the links above, I rewrote a small project that I  
already had working only this time I used BDD for the process. I ended  
up writing about 50% more code and created about 100% more methods,  
but the resulting program was much easier to understand and very easy  
to extend. I also had 100% code coverage which was a first for me.

I don't know if the code I wrote would be useful to you but I would be  
happy to send you a tarball (under 50k) containing this project.

Good luck.

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