On 4 Jun 2008, at 15:14, Matt Mower wrote:
On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 3:06 PM, David Chelimsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Rails 2.1 supports plugins from git.
Yep 2.1 and I used script/plugin to install from git this time. That's
new again to me since I've been using piston for quite a while (or
submodules with a git based project). The new, git compatible,
"script/plugin update" takes care of the details?

AFAIK it doesn't -- script/plugin install from a git URL is no better than manually unpacking the tgz into vendor/plugins, i.e. completely useless. I've pretty much resigned myself to just blowing away each plugin directory when I want to update it, and either tracking my local changes manually (i.e. maintaining a diff that I laboriously reapply after updating) or monkeypatching plugins in lib/ rather than modifying them directly.

(script/plugin update relies on svn:externals.)

Rails dependency management is getting worse. Maybe piston 2.0, with git support, will make it better again?

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