On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 2:49 PM, John Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Chelimsky wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 1:47 PM, John Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Sorry that was a typo
>>> Its actually stub! in my code
>> The original example doesn't seem to do anything:
>> it "should find products given a category" do
>>   product = mock_model(Product, :id => 1, :category_id => 1)
>> Product.stub(!find_all_by_category_id).with(anything()).and_return([product])
>> Product.should_receive(:find_all_meeting_some_criteria_for_category).with(product.category_id)
>> end
>> It just sets up some objects but never actually calls an action. What
>> is the error message you're getting?
> Sorry again I forgot to add the last statement.

Can't really help you if you're submitting code that is different from
the code that is causing you trouble. Please be more careful about

> Here is how the code
> should have looked like
>  it "should find products given a category" do
>   product = mock_model(Product, :id => 1, :category_id => 1)
> Product.stub!(:find_all_by_category_id).with(anything()).and_return([product])
> Product.should_receive(:find_all_meeting_some_criteria_for_category).with(product.category_id)
>   Product.find_all_meeting_some_criteria_for_category(product.category_id)
>  end

OK - so here, the 2nd to last line sets an expectation that Product
should receive : find_all_meeting_some_criteria_for_category with
product.category_id, and then the last line makes that exact call.
This means that none of your actual code is being executed here. Is
that really what you have?

> I have created a new application with only the above 2 models and the
> rspec is working ok. It appears there are some extra information in my
> real application that is making it not to work properly. I have to
> investigate further on this.
> The error I am getting is.
> "You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
> You might have expected an instance of Array.
> The error ocurred while evaluating nil.each"
> aand the error line is line 2 below in the Product model
> 1. products = find_all_by_category_id(category_id)
> 2. products.each do |product|
> Perhaps what I need answered for now is what could cause rspec return
> nil for an activerecord method that is supposed to return an array?
> Thanks
> Mark
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