On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 3:31 PM, aslak hellesoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 9:25 PM, Priit Tamboom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I'm new to Cucumber/Story Runner, but not so new to Rspec in general.
>> I googled a lot before
>> posting :-)
>> I would like to mock openid consumer however I'm running out of ideas
>> how to access session.
>> I know I should avoid mocking in integration testing, but in this case
>> it makes sense.
>> Perhaps I can somehow mock session[:current_user_id] like it is
>> possible in rspec.
>> Given /I am logged in as admin/ do
>>   user = User.find(:first)
>>   session.stub!(:current_user_id).and_return(user.id)
>> end
>> Any hints how it can solve my mocking in Cucumber would be welcome!
> Mocking in Cucumber works just like in RSpec. Are you getting any errors?

The session that RailsStory (in 'spec/story') and in cucumber exposes
is an ActionController::Integration::Session, not the Hash you get
from ActionController::Base.session (as is the case in
ControllerExampleGroup or rails functional tests). So you're not
setting mock expectations on the object you think you are.

I haven't worked with open ID, nor do I know what approach your app
uses to communicate with open ID, but if you wrap that access in a
method, then you can just override that method in your steps file (or
any other .rb file as long as you require it) and have it set up state
the way you want it.

Make sense?

> Aslak
>> Cheers,
>> Priit
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