On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 6:56 AM, Bart Zonneveld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey list,
> I found myself trying to verify there are some non-checked checkboxes in a
> template today, and am kinda stumped how to do it :).
> A checked checkbox is easy,
> have_tag('input[type=checkbox][checked=checked]). But, an unchecked checkbox
> hasn't got the checked attribute at all. And as it so happens, I want to
> test for a number of checked, and a number of unchecked checkboxes. So, just
> testing for input[type=checkbox] would return the number of checked *and*
> unchecked checkboxes..
> any ideas?

Let's say you want 10 checked and 5 unchecked. You could do this:

response.should have_tag("input[type=checkbox]", 15)
response.should have_tag("input[type=checkbox][checked=checked]", 10)

It's not perfectly expressive, but a good example name would help:

it "should have 15 checkboxes, 10 checked, 5 unchecked" do
  render "/path/to/file"
  response.should have_tag("input[type=checkbox]", 15)
  response.should have_tag("input[type=checkbox][checked=checked]", 10)


> bartz
> ps: that's prolly the most occurences of 'check' in a single email...
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