
Apologies only just read the last post re: multiple iterations: please ignore.


On 21/01/2009, aidy lewis <aidy.le...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>  Is it bad form to use a 'Then' after a 'When' and then a 'Then'?
>   When the CiP ingest checkbox is clicked
>   Then '1 Spool(s) in Cart' should appear
>   When the Add button is clicked
>   Then an ingest user is on the BBC Cart page
>   Or should I create a new scenario and use a 'Given'?
>   Or can I have a Given after a 'Then' in the same scenario?
>   Or should each scenerio follow 'Given'...'When'...'Then'?
>   Cheers
>   Aidy
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