Hi Matt/Dan

2009/3/2 Matt Wynne <m...@mattwynne.net>:

> At the moment, IMO, the tools for feeding back the features to non-technical
> people are pretty immature. My colleague Dan Lucraft wrote a tool which
> produces a nicely-formatted PDF document from your features folder[1] which
> is great, but won't work with the new version (0.2) of Cucumber when it's
> released as the API against which such formatters are written has undergone
> some significant changes for the new version.

> [1]http://www.daniellucraft.com/blog/2009/01/features_report/

To me the user\customer should be involved in the creation of the
stories and the acceptance criteria and by producing a pdf later in
the cycle for those stakeholders to read and understand may be argued
as something that is not Story-Driven-Development and more like
comprehendible automated tests.

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