Hi David

2009/3/31 David Chelimsky <dchelim...@gmail.com>:

> The point of TDD is writing small examples and small bits of code in a
> cycle. The point of BDD is to write high level scenarios so you know
> what code to write, but then drive it out in detail with TDD.

Does this necessitate that the same person or pair should be doing
both the TDD and BDD for the same area? My problem at the moment is
that as a software tester I would in combination with a customer
create the feature Acceptance Criteria (AC). The AC would be used by
the developer to guide his\her design, but he\she would be unlikely to
implement the automated test, which would normally be done by the
tester (using Watir\Cucumber). My feeling is that if we are to get the
optimal benefit from TDD\BDD then the developer(s) should be
automating the AC. What do you think?

I don't think this removes the need of the tester as he/she may be
more likely to have a skill-set that is aware of
bigger-than-unit-test-tools and frameworks, but I think they should be
pairing with the developer. However the problem then arises if the
developer and tester use different languages. I use Ruby while the
production code is in .Net. The TDD interplay would be more seamless I
think with a single language. But as a tester it would be insane for
me to use a static and compiled language to - in effect - test a web

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