Beautiful, that worked great. I sent an e-mail to the pragmatic
support people to get the latest version of the book. For some reason
it's not showing up in my Bookshelf.

Thanks David

On Jul 6, 12:01 pm, David Chelimsky <> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Chris
> Sund<> wrote:
> > Hey Everyone,
> > Just a simple question. I have read and re-read the examples and I'm
> > not getting the proper output.  I'm on page 73/74 of the Rspec book
> > and it says I should have "4 steps passed". I think the problem is
> > within my /step_definition/mastermind.rb" file. It's definitely not
> > beyond me to make a mistake, but I have checked and double checked my
> > code and it all looks fine via the book examples. Here's the output
> > I'm getting...
> > ______________________________________________________
> > cucumber features
> > Feature: code-breaker starts game
> > As a code-breaker
> > I want to start a game
> > So that I can break the code
> >  Scenario: start game                                # features/
> > codebreaker_starts_game.feature:7
> >    Given I am not yet playing                        # features/
> > step_definitions/mastermind.rb:3
> >    When I start a new game                           # features/
> > step_definitions/mastermind.rb:7
> >    Then the game should say "Welcome to Mastermind!" # features/
> > codebreaker_starts_game.feature:10
> >    And the game should say "Enter guess:"            # features/
> > codebreaker_starts_game.feature:11
> > 1 scenario (1 undefined)
> > 4 steps (2 undefined, 2 passed)
> > 0m0.003s
> > You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these
> > snippets:
> > Then /^the game should say "([^\"]*)"$/ do |arg1|
> >  pending
> > end
> > _______________________________________________
> > It seems it doesn't think my "Then" statement is defined, but it is.
> > My /step_definitions/mastermind.rb file looks like this...
> > Given /^I am not yet playing$/ do
> > end
> > When /^I start a new game$/ do
> > @messenger =
> > game =
> > game.start
> > end
> > Then /^the game should say "(.*)" $/ do |message|
> There is an extra space here between "(.*)" and $. This should work:
>   Then /^the game should say "(.*)"$/ do |message|
> Also, we changed the name of the game in the most recent version of
> the beta, so you may want to update.
> Cheers,
> David
> > @messenger.string.split("\n" ).should include(message)
> > end
> > __________________________________________
> > It's either a problem with the syntax in the "Then" statement, or my
> > "message" variable isn't getting defined right. Any help would be
> > appreciated, and I can provide my other files, but I'm a newbie and
> > I'm not sure what files would be worth looking at. Let me know and
> > I'll post them.
> > Thanks!
> > Chris
> > _______________________________________________
> > rspec-users mailing list
> >
> >
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