On Jan 24, 2012, at 11:27 PM, Julian Leviston wrote:

> On 25/01/2012, at 5:24 PM, Guyren G Howe wrote:
>> My code that saves a record works fine in development or production, or from 
>> the console. I can take the code in my test and run it in the console, and 
>> it works fine.
>> But when I run it under a model rspec, the ids are getting set to 0. I’ve 
>> traced it through to where I do:
>> <Model>.create <params>
>> where I can see that the id is what I want to set it to in params.
>> Same problem with rspec 2.6 and 2.8.
>> Don’t make me switch to Test::Unit. Anyone?
> It'd be nice to have a bit of context for this issue.
> It's most likely an issue with your model's validation… 

Not sure what else to tell you. I’ve a complex bit of logic I want to exercise 
that’s accepting a hierarchy of objects submitted to the application as JSON. 
The controller pulls it apart into a hierarchical key-value hash. I’ve a 
recursive operation that walks this structure, pulling out individual objects 
and saving them.

Everything works fine when I test it manually (e.g. in console). When I run the 
same sequence of operations with the same values in console (i.e. I tested it 
by copying the values and operations out of the spec into the console), it all 
works fine.

But it all fails horribly in rspec because the ids are getting overwritten with 
0s. I can get to the point in my code where I hand things over to ActiveRecord, 
and the hash I’m giving to create is exactly what I’m after including the id 

FWIW, the ids I’m trying to use are UUIDs.

Since I’m entirely sure the hash I’m handing to create is correct, I’m left 
with trying to grub around inside ActiveRecord, which I don’t look forward to. 
So: in what way does RSpec modify the behavior of ActiveRecord that might bear 
on this?
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