Sorry about this, I'm further investigating the slowness issue, and I found the culprit: truncation of my PostgreSQL are very slow. I'll investigate how to make it faster. Maybe deletion could be faster than truncation on PG...


Em 17-05-2012 21:04, Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas escreveu:
Even with Spork, my requests specs are very slow to start running (about 7 seconds).

I suspect Rails is booting each time I run "rspec -X spec/requests".

Is that true? If so, is there any way I could instruct the web server to keep alive after the specs run so that it would be faster on next run?

Are there any resources on how to have better performance on running requests specs with Capybara and Webkit?

Having to wait about 7 seconds between consecutive runs is really a blocker for me. If I can't get it to run faster, I'll give up on requests specs and only have the controller's tests and client-side code specs without any integration tests...

But to be honest, I feel much more comfortable having some integration tests for the main features of my application and I would appreciate any hints on making them start faster.

The last time I worked with Rails, long ago, it wasn't such a painful experience to write such kind of tests (Capybara + Webkit). And my current desktop PC is *way* faster than it used to be by that time...

I understand that Rails is much slower to boot now, but maybe there are some tricks for reducing the need of rebooting between consecutive requests specs run.

Thanks in advance,

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