On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 12:26 PM, Kevin McCaughey <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am doing the rails tutorial and there is a line:
> expect { click_button submit }.not_to change(User, :count)
> When I looked up the rspec docs and book too, I found:
> change {} documentation (using curly brackets).

Not sure which docs you looked at, but both () and {} are supported,
as described in rspec's rdoc:

> Could someone tell me what the difference is, and if I use a block for
> the above example, what would it look like?
> I am very confused about why there are two versions and can't seem to
> get examples for the block {} version to see it's proper usage.
> Many thanks!
> Kevin McCaughey
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