
You'll get better help on Cucumber if you use the Cucumber mailing list rather than the rspec list. I've CC'd that list on this reply. Please join that list and reply only there.

On 11/17/12 9:57 PM, chaitra b. wrote:

I am new to Ruby and Cucumber. Can anyone help me with creating test
scripts using cucumber for a pizza ordering site which requires a login
or new user creation to place an order.

Is this an existing application or one you're developing?

If you're developing it, I'd leave out login and new user creation for a little while. Start with the guts of placing an order. In fact, I'd probably start with only a single type of pizza available online. You can start with one central idea, and then grow the concept into a full-featured pizza ordering site.

 - George

  * George Dinwiddie *            
  Software Development          
  Consultant and Coach          

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