Hi Daniel,

  describe "Example", :type => :request do

# curl -k -i -X POST -d '{"api_token":0}' https://api.example.local/reset_password # See https://groups.google.com/d/topic/rubyonrails-security/ZOdH5GH5jCU/discussion
    it "should not be exploitable by using an integer token value" do
post "/reset_password", '{"api_token":0}', 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json', 'ACCEPT' => 'application/json'
      response.status.should == 401



I apologize if this message was sent more than once, I tried to post
through the Google Groups page but it didn't seem to work.

In order to ensure that my application is not vulnerable to this exploit, I am trying to create a controller test in RSpec to cover it. In order to do so, I need to be able to post raw JSON, but I haven't seemed to find a way to do that. In doing some research, I've determined that there at least used to be a way to do so using the RAW_POST_DATA header, but this doesn't
seem to work anymore:

it "should not be exploitable by using an integer token value" do
request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"] = "application/json"
request.env["RAW_POST_DATA"]  = { token: 0 }.to_json
post :reset_password

When I look at the params hash, token is not set at all, and it just
contains { "controller" => "user", "action" => "reset_password" }. I get the same results when trying to use XML, or even when trying to just use
regular post data, in all cases, it seems to not set it period.

I know that with the recent Rails vulnerabilities, the way parameters are
hashed was changed, but is there still a way to post raw data through
RSpec? Can I somehow directly use Rack::Test::Methods?

Any help would be appreciated.
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