On 13 Nov 2000, Nicolas Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A re-write would be good. Make the new protocol modular. Make rsync
> itself modular. By modular I mean that delta engines, compression,
> authentication, authorization, session integrity and privacy protection
> and, lastly, file list building and/or filtering should all be
> replaceable in a modular way. The last bit is most important from the
> point of view of feature extension requests that have been seen on this
> list.

Modularity tends to trade off against performance.  Since the whole
point of rsync is to improve performance[0], this is something that
must be approached carefully.  People can get very fine-grained
control at the moment by wrapping rsync in a $language script that
finds files and runs rsync on each individually to deliver it to the
right place; however that's much slower than sending everything over a
single connection.

([0] Compared to transferring tarballs over scp.)

It's not impossible to be modular and fast, it's just much harder than
doing either one independently.

Martin Pool, Linuxcare, Inc.
+61 2 6262 8990
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.linuxcare.com/
Linuxcare. Support for the revolution.

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