On 14 Nov 2000, Technical Support <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there some way to force rsync to not skip files?
> I get the following when trying to back up a server:
> skipping non-regular file
>  home/html/cryptotool/calendar/admin/index.phtml

rsync follows the usual unix ontology, roughly described as:

    regular file
    special file
      char device
      block device

At a guess, this thing is a symlink; in which case you have several
options (in both senses):

       -l, --links
              This  tells rsync to recreate symbolic links on the
              remote system  to  be the same as the local system.
              Without   this   option,  all  symbolic  links  are

       -L, --copy-links
              This tells rsync to treat symbolic links just  like
              ordinary files.

              This tells rsync to treat symbolic links that point
              outside the source tree like ordinary files.  Abso-
              lute symlinks are also treated like ordinary files,
              and so are any symlinks in the source  path  itself
              when --relative is used.

              This tells rsync to ignore any symbolic links which
              point outside the destination  tree.  All  absolute
              symlinks  are  also  ignored.  Using this option in
              conjunction with  --relative  may  give  unexpected

Also, although this would be pretty wierd in your situation:

       -D, --devices
              This option causes rsync to transfer character  and
              block  device  information  to the remote system to
              recreate these devices. This option is only  avail-
              able to the super-user.

As a shortcut:

       -a, --archive
              This  is  equivalent to -rlptgoD. It is a quick way
              of saying you want recursion and want  to  preserve

Hope that helps,
Martin Pool, Linuxcare, Inc.
+61 2 6262 8990
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.linuxcare.com/
Linuxcare. Support for the revolution.

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