On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 10:57:33PM +0100, Rolf Grossmann wrote:
> Hi,
> on Tue, 21 Nov 2000 15:11:22 -0600 Dave Dykstra wrote 
> concerning "Re: --exclude not used in all cases?" something like this:
> > Looks like the include "/*" from the server side is overriding the
> > exclude "crap" on the client side.  If it were in a subdirectory it
> > would probably be excluded.
> Indeed, if I leave out the /* it works, thank you. Unfortunately that's
> not what I expected, nor what I had in mind in the first place. By using
> include, I was hoping to only include the listed files/directories, so
> for the example I simply used /*. Is there a way to override the server's
> list or can anyone think of a way to write the configuration in a different
> way, so that the default will be not to include a file (without forcing
> a transfer for the specified ones)?
> Thanks again, Rolf

I recommend carefully reading over the "EXCLUDE PATTERNS" section in the
rsync man page and trying out examples; the rules are complicated but the
man page lays them out precisely.

I may not be understanding your requirements correctly, but it sounds to me
from your description that all you need to do is to list includes for the
files you want followed by a --exclude '*'.  The key thing to watch out for
with --exclude '*' is that if you want to include any file in a subdirectory
you also need to explicitly include all of its parent directories.

- Dave Dykstra

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