On Mon, Dec 04, 2000 at 03:05:26PM -0800, Mike Spitzer wrote:
> In the exclude pattern section, the rsync man page states:
>       if  the  pattern starts with a / then it is matched
>       against the start of the filename, otherwise it  is
>       matched  against the end of the filename.
> Consistent with this, excluding "*.c" excludes .c files anywhere in
> the tree.
> Also consistent with this, excluding "foo/bar.c" excludes foo/bar.c
> anywhere in the tree (this would exclude foo/bar.c, baz/foo/bar.c, etc.).
> But, I'm getting unexpected results from excluding "foo/*.c".  I expected
> this to behave similarly to excluding foo/bar.c, which would be to
> exclude any .c files in any foo directory, anywhere in the tree.  What I
> get instead is that *.c is excluded only in a top-level foo directory.
> foo/bar.c would be excluded, but baz/foo/bar.c would not be excluded.
> This seems inconsistent with the documentation, and inconsistent with
> the "foo/bar.c" exclude behavior.
> Is this a bug or am I not understanding the rules?
> Thanks.

You understand correctly, this is a known bug.  See


There's not an easy solution, however, because the function rsync uses to
do wildcard matches, fnmatch(), cannot completely implement the semantics
as described in the rsync man page.  A workaround for you may be to exclude
"**/foo/*.c", but that's not complete because the semantics of "**" is such
that including it anywhere in a pattern means that all asterisks can cross
slash boundaries.  Thus, it will match baz/foo/oof/bar.c.  As I said back
then, the rsync include/exclude semantics & implementation needs to be
completely redone.

- Dave Dykstra

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